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Why Tears Always Represent The Weakness Of Person?

Wednesday, October 21, 2015 MiaEfendiey 1 Comments Category : , ,

Women are born to be a fragile human being and sensitive and that is the reason why they need a guidance in their life.

Women are well known with tears and sadness. The reason is because they are born to be the most fragile human being. Some women are brave enough to go through their life but there will be one time, she will find her own space and cry as much as she can to release all the hardship that she have been through.

             It is not easy when they have to faced lots of challenge when they are alone. And that is why God have made us a couple man and women to build a complete life. But why tears always be a symbol of weakness?

Life is not that easy. No one in this world find their success without any challenge in life. Either you are a man or women, you will once cry when you feel bad. I wondering about how people tag us when our emotional and our body action reacts. When you make a dull face, people will said that you have no heart but in reality, deep inside your heart, you are soft hear-ted person. When you did not talk to people, people will start tagging you as a person that who is arrogant or showboat. Do you agree with that?

Let us think, if someone cry because of you have face a tough time, do we tag them as a weak person?? As my own opinion, I won't tag them as weak person. Tears is a symbol of strong spirits. It doesn't mean that when your tears fall out from your eyes, you are weak and useless. It's shows you are strong and tough to go through a hard life.

Why don't you asked some of people that rise up from the tough time? They will said that tears is one of the motivation of the success. Honestly, I do cry whenever I face tough time and when I am stress because that is the only way for me to calm down. Not to say that because I am a girl, I cry a lot but I cry because I want to be more stronger in future.

We do have different way to keep us strong and I will cry when I want to be stronger. I will cry when I have been hurt. I will cry when someone that I loved betray me. Because this is CleopatraDiva, Queen of Sadness. HeHeHeHeHe.....[Laughing Mode : ON]

"Keep your face always towards the sunshine-and shadow will fall behind you," by CleopatraDiva



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Quotes Of The Day

"LOVE doesn't HURT. Lying, cheating and screwing with people's feelings and emotions is called HURT," by CleopatraDiva